The main trend this year is accessory mods (Or additive mods as Kinse called them). Projects that were always relegated to the mini mod safari in the past, but have grown in both scale and quality due to the available tools. They're versatile in terms of compatibility, can be combined with most map packs and most gun/enemy mods and do not replace/remove vanilla assists. This is a good thing, the more versatile and compatible a mod, the more it can be played and combined with other maps/mods while not breaking the game. My one issue is that ALL these mods are accessory mods. Not a single one of them replaces any doom assists which makes them favored by mappers and people who want to change doom, but not change it too much.
Doom La Tailor Girl
I think part of this trend is that mappers are beginning to use more custom weapons and enemies in their own maps, meaning that alot of the great gun and enemy mod simply don't work in newer maps. That's fine. The doom modding community only exists because there is a proliferation of new maps to play stuff in.
Voxel doom is an artistic marvel (And deserves to win), but it's pure visual, it doesn't change gameplay in any way whatsoever. Gun bonzai is cool as it's a gun mod that can be attached to other gun mods (Is designed with specific compatibility with Yholl's Legendoom), but doesn't much custom art. So we have one project that is 100% artistic/visual and one project that's 100% programming. Both near 100% compatible with all map packs. Both Voxel doom and Gun bonzai are still in development and it will be interesting to see future iterations of these mods.
On a side note, I'm disappointed that Angelic Aviary wasn't even mentioned. I think because of the art style, it turned off alot of people and they didn't see why this project is a big deal (Especially if you build custom assists for doom). I finished it this year so it can never be nominated again, so it is what it is.
Este vídeo mostra duas partidas jogadas com o La Tailor Girl 1.75B, versão deste mod para Doom do Hege Cactus liberada no dia 22 de maio de 2020. A primeira parte foi na C1M1 da Phase 1 do Freedoom, o jogo de tiro em primeira pessoa cujo objetivo é ser um Doom totalmente livre, enquanto a segunda foi na primeira missão do SIGIL, o megawad do John Romero lançado em 2019 que é basicamente o quinto episódio que o The Ultimate Doom nunca oficialmente teve. Já o La Tailor Girl é um mod para Doom criado pelo Hege Cactus que traz charmosas protagonistas que podem usar armaduras que lhes protegem e garantem bônus de ataques. Estas partidas foram gravadas originalmente para servirem de fundo da edição 135 das Notícias do Facínora, onde falei sobre o lançamento desta versão do La Tailor Girl. O port usado foi o GZDoom 4.3.3.
Newbridge Collier u ROBBED OF HIS PURSE BY NEWPORT WOMAN Late on Saturday night & number of boyS sliding on the elopes of Park-place and -e& myra.-p.ace, Newport, heard screams a"? shouts of "Fetch a policeman! Fetch a po1.1 ct!" man!" They went to the corner of i'ark- and Morgan-street, and found two wilde" being pinned against the railing of the par* by a man. They ran to fetch a policemaJl: The matter was inquired into by the IDëg!ii" tra.tes at KeVport to-day, when 'lart Deere and Annie M'Loughlin were charg with stealing and receiving from the of Thomas Ramsey, a collier, of .Newbridge.' a purse, containing 'äs., a pawn ticket, aJlJ three cigarettes. The man's statement to the magistral' wa-s that he went to Newport on h.atUrd,\ evening to buy clothes for his little girl a!;a to take back a female relative, who had gylJtf wrong ult Newport. Whilst he was in pubUc-?house in Commerciia??street one of prisoners beckoned to him, and him to stand them a drink. He
I Sunday at Rumney. I CARDIFF MAN ASSAULTS A PARLOUR MAID I The crowds of Cardiff people who flock to Itumney still conrtinues without any cessa- tion every Sunday, and scenes which are a disgrace to the Satobath are the rule. "I remember nothing of it," was the plea off James Crowley, of Cardiff, who was charged before a epe-oi-al sitting of the county magistrates at Newport to-day witJh being drunk aind incapable, and also with assault- I ing LiilLie Elsie Thomas, a parlourmaid, at Kurnney last nLgtht. From tihe eviidence it appeared tihe young girl, in company with a friend, was going home shortly after ten o'clock, when they passed defendamt on the road. A minute or TNNO later tihey looked back, and saw him following them. Tihey ran on, but he over- took them and 2ff7e9595c